A factor, common to most manufacturing processes is waste or, residue; often discarded rubbish.
Quarrying and mining, in general, produces substantial quantities of spoil and material that is unsuitable for further working. The Wincilate operation is no exception to this and, regular inspection of blocks and slabs etc., before completion of the final article, means that some flawed slate is also put aside. With the further addition of off-cuts, a considerable proportion of the original material extracted from the rock face cannot be used for top quality products or work. At Wincilate, we are loathe to term this as rubbish and try not to treat it as such; after all, so much time, effort and money has gone into producing it. Hence, we are always seeking new and further ways of utilising this resource. Here we suggest, illustrate and describe some applications to which this material can be put.
With Random Paving & Walling, when properly used the Architect, Landscape Designer or even the humble DIY enthusiast can achieve an effect of rugged or severe beauty to contrast with the softer lines, shapes and hues of grassed or planted areas. The use of slate as rock- fill for an embankment dam or similar application is another option and crushed slate can be incorporated as a granular sub based material for road building. A local example of the latter may be observed in the redevelopment route of the A487 Trunk Road through Corris.
Random Paving
The slate is riven in texture on the faces, with both sawn and pillared edges. The shapes are irregular and vary greatly in size and form. In addition, the thickness can vary from approximately 20mm to at least 50mm.
The area that can be covered is the region of 11m2 per tone but, with a little skill and ingenuity on the part of the paver in splitting further some of the thicker pieces, this can be greatly increased.
There are a great many designs that can be used which will compliment the surroundings and a little imagination in the utilisation of other stones or brick within the design can provide a highly durable and pleasing effect. A margin of dimensions stone or brick in similar or contrasting colours using the slate as an infil, is just one of many.
The application or laying is much the same as for other types of paving and it should always be remembered that the substrate should incorporate all necessary falls and drainage, and must be of suitably compacted material or concrete; always bearing in mind that the bed level should take into consideration the thickest piece of slate.
As slate is impervious to water, adhesion is helped greatly by covering the back of the paving with a cement slurry, immediately before tamping into place.
Joints may be pointed in matching or contrasting mortar, taking care to remove all surplus material from the surface of the slate; leaving nothing to impair the finished effect.
At one time houses and cottages built in this way were a very common sight in the slate quarrying regions of Wales. As with the paving, the shapes and sizes are random but, in contrast, the blocks are sufficiently regular to allow sound bedding and an outwardly pleasing line. Generally, the blocks vary from a very approximate 75mm to 225mm on bed and have a mixture of riven, sawn and pillared edge. Coverage is in the region of 3m2 per tonne. The application or laying is basically similar to that of brickwork but, the user must obviously bear in mind the necessary adjustments and corrections that will need to be made. If the walling is to be used as an outer skin, non-ferrous ties must be incorporated as per requirements.
Slate walling can be used in many ways and, as with the paving, mixed with other materials to give the desired effect.
Landscape Products
Landscape products include such things as obelisks, rockery, stepping stones, water features and chippings. The unique and interesting shape of slate make it an ideal product for this purpose and these can be seen and selected by the customer on site.
Slate chippings are available in 1tonne dumpy bag. For bigger loads please contact David on 07879841787 or send us an email
Boulders and Rockery
Slate Fill
This material can be used for an embankment dam, for rockfill or as a hardcore ballast material for the bed of a road, farm track, forestry track, causeway or driveway. Every project, however, must be closely looked at and examined carefully to define the relevant cause applicable to each individual contract. This material is available in unlimited quantities and may either be delivered by us or part loads or collected by the customer.