Wincilate Slate is a particularly suitable material for cladding as it is chemically inert, non-porous and does not warp, shrink or rot.
The cladding is usually supplied in square or rectangular panels with either a smooth or textured face according to requirements. The following finishes are available.
- Fine rubbed: this gives the surface a matt eggshell finish or a dark smooth sheen..
Slate can be supplied in slabs of varying thickness between 20mm and 50mm but in all cases care must be taken that adequate and correct fixings are being used to ensure that the weight will be supported and restrained. Advice should be sought before any decision is made concerning a particular thickness in a given location.
These should be designed for ease of handling, availability, and safety of fixing, bearing in mind thickness and texture being used. It is recommended that 20mm slate be faced fixed wherever possible unless in a frame or supported at the bottom edge.
A slab 900mm x 600MM x 25mm thick weighs approximately 40kg.
Wincilate cladding may be seen at:
- Williams & Glyn’s Bank (now Royal Bank of Scotland),Harrow &Southampton;
- Wedgwood Office, Barlaston;
- Office Block, Selenas Lane, Dagenham.
- Seilo Chapel, Caernarfon, North Wales,
- St Paul’s Church, Brentford.